Arduino Dock Neopixel Library

The Omega + Arduino Dock can be used to control Neopixels, with the Omega sending the commands and colour codes, and the Arduino Dock acting as a communication channel.

Omega+Arduino Dock w/ Neopixel Array

The Onion Arduino Dock Neopixel C & C++ library, libonionneopixel provides functions to interact with the Neopixels. Also available is a module for use in Python called neopixel that is part of the OmegaArduinoDock package.


Programming Flow

The first action that must be performed is always the initialization of the Arduino Dock for controlling Neopixels. This entails setting which Arduino Dock pin will be used as data output, setting the number of Neopixels, and running the initalization function.

Afterwards, the colours of the Neopixels can be changed at will. The colour changes will be queued up, and a function to show the queued up changes must be run for the changes to take effect on the actual Neopixels.

After each power-cycle, the chip that controls the Relay Expansion must be programmed with an initialization sequence. After the initialization, the relays can be turned on and off at will.

The C & C++ Library

The dynamic C & C++ library, libonionneopixel provides a C++ class and C functions that wrap around this class.

Installing the Library

The library can be installed by running the following commands:

opkg update
opkg install libonionneopixel

Note that it will automatically be installed when the neopixel-tool utility is installed.

Return Values

All functions follow the same pattern with return values:

If the function operation is successful, the return value will be EXIT_SUCCESS which is a macro defined as 0 in cstdlib.h.

If the function operation is not successful, the function will return EXIT_FAILURE which is defined as 1.

A few reasons why the function might not be successful:

An error message will be printed that will give more information on the reason behind the failure.

The C++ Library

The C++ library is implemented around an onionNeopixel class. It provides public class functions to perform all of the actions specified in the Programming Flow section.

Using the C++ Library

Header File

To add the Onion Neopixel Library to your program, include the header file in your code:

#include <neopixel.h>

Library for Linker

In your project’s makefile, you will need to add the following dynamic libraries to the linker command:


The dynamic libraries are stored in /usr/lib on the Omega.

Class Functions

The onionNeopixel class contains all of the routines required to control Neopixels using the Arduino Dock.

The Constructor

The constructor for the onionNeopixel class will initialize all class variables. It also has an optional argument that sets the I2C device address of the Arduino Dock. By default this address is 0x08 and if you have made no changes to the Onion Arduino Library, there is no need to include this argument.


To initialize an onionNeopixel object called neopixelObj:

onionNeopixel*	neopixelObj	= new onionNeopixel();

To initialize an onionNeopixel object called npixel where the Arduino Dock’s I2C address is 0x09:

onionNeopixel*	npixel	= new onionNeopixel(0x09);

Set the Arduino Dock Pin

This class function sets the Arduino Dock pin that will act as the data port for the Neopixels:

int SetPin (int input);


To set the pin to 6 for an npixel object:

status = npixel->SetPin(6);	

Set the Number of Neopixels

This class function programs the total number of Neopixels that are connected to the Arduino Dock pin:

int SetLength (int input);


For an npixel object, set that it controls 64 neopixels:

status = npixel->SetLength(64);	

Initialize the Arduino Dock and Neopixels

This function will perform an initialization on the Arduino Dock and afterwards, the Neopixels will be ready to use:

int Init ();

Note that the SetPin and SetLength functions must be called prior to the Init function is called.


For an npixel object, initialize the Arduino Dock for neopixels:

status = npixel->Init();	

Initialize the Arduino Dock and Neopixels in a Single Step

This function will perform the functions of SetPin, SetLength, and Init in a single function call:

int Init (int pin, int length);

It is an overloaded function so it has the same name as the initialization function above. It provides a simplification


For an npixel object, initialize the Arduino Dock to use pin 5 and control 32 neopixels:

status = npixel->Init(5, 32);	

Set the Maximum Pixel Brightness

This class function will set the maximum brightness of a pixel by defining a maximum for the colour components:

int SetBrightness (int input);

The brightness change will not take effect on the physical Neopixels until the ShowPixels function function is called.


The input argument sets the the maximum colour intensity for all colour components. The range is 0 to 255.


For an npixel object, set the brightness to the maximum:

status = npixel->SetBrightness(255);	

For an npixel object, set the brightness to half the maximum and have it take effect right away:

status =  npixel->SetBrightness(127);
status |= npixel->ShowPixels();

For an npixel object, set the brightness to a quarter of the maximum:

status = npixel->SetBrightness(63);

Set the Colour of a Pixel

This class function will queue up a change in the colour intensity of a single pixel:

int SetPixel (int pixelId, int red, int green, int blue);

The pixels colours changes setup with this function will not be shown on the physical Neopixels until the ShowPixels function function is called.


The pixelId argument defines which pixel in the Neopixel array is to be controlled, with the first pixel in the strip being pixel 0. Note that this pixel id should be less than the total number of pixels.

The red, green, and blue arguments are the colour intensity values for the respective colour. Neopixels are 8-bits per colour component, so the values can range from 0 to 255. Experiment with a colour wheel to find the primary colour intensities for your desired colours.


For an npixel object, set the first pixel to white:

status = npixel->SetPixel(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);	

For an npixel object, set the 18th pixel to purple:

status = npixel->SetPixel(18, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x99);	

For an npixel object, set the 64th pixel to orange:

status = npixel->SetPixel(63, 0xff, 0x8c, 0x1a);	

Set the Colour of many Pixels

This class function will queue the change of the colour intensity for many pixels using a buffer of colour components:

int SetBuffer (int *buf, int size);

The first pixel in the buffer will be displayed on pixel 0 of the physical Neopixels. The pixels colours setup with this function will not be shown on the physical Neopixels until the ShowPixels function function is called.


The buf argument is an array that should hold colour component triplets for however many pixels are desired:

buf Element Pixel Colour Component
buf[0] 0 Red
buf[1] 0 Green
buf[2] 0 Blue
buf[3] 1 Red
buf[4] 1 Green
buf[5] 1 Blue
buf[n*3] n Red
buf[n*3+1] n Green
buf[n*3+2] n Blue

The size argument represents the number of elements in the buf array, so it should be the number of pixels multiplied by three colour components.


For an npixel object, set 3 pixels to brown:

int colours[9] = {0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00};
status = npixel->SetBuffer(colours, 9);	

For an npixel object, set 12 pixels to lime:

int length 		= 12*3;
int *buffer 	= new int[length];

for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
	buffer[i]	= 0xcc;
	buffer[i+1]	= 0xff;
	buffer[i+2]	= 0x33;

status = npixel->SetBuffer(buffer, length);

Show All Queued Colour Changes

This class function will send a command to the Arduino Dock to display all queued colour and/or brightness changes on the physical Neopixels:

int ShowPixels ();


For an npixel object, show all queued colour changes:

status = npixel->ShowPixels();	

Example Code

Example code that uses the onionNeopixel class can be found in the source code for the neopixel-tool command line utility. Please take a look at the neopixel-tool GitHub repo.

The files of interest are:

The C Library

The C library is a series of C functions that provide wrappers to the C++ onionNeopixel class. It provides the same functionality as the C++ class but in code that can be used in C.

Using the C Library

Header File

To add the Onion Neopixel Library to your program, include the header file in your code:

#include <neopixel_Cwrapper.h>

Library for Linker

In your project’s makefile, you will need to add the following dynamic libraries to the linker command:


The dynamic libraries are stored in /usr/lib on the Omega.

Library Functions

The following functions implement all of the routines required to control Neopixels using the Arduino Dock.

Initialize the Arduino Dock and Neopixels

This function will perform the following:

int neopixelInit (int devAddr, int pin, int length);


The devAddr argument provides the I2C device address of the Arduino Dock. By default this address is 0x08 and if you have made no changes to the Onion Arduino Library, the NEOPIXEL_I2C_DEVICE_ADDR macro can be used.

The pin argument defines the Arduino Dock pin. And the length argument defines the number of Neopixels.


Initialize the Arduino Dock to use pin 9 and control 12 neopixels:

status = neopixelInit (NEOPIXEL_I2C_DEVICE_ADDR, 9, 12);

Initialize the Arduino Dock to use pin 10 and control 128 neopixels:

status = neopixelInit (NEOPIXEL_I2C_DEVICE_ADDR, 10, 128);

Set the Maximum Pixel Brightness

This function will set the maximum brightness of a pixel by defining a maximum for the colour components:

int neopixelSetBrightness (int brightness);

The brightness change will not take effect on the physical Neopixels until the neopixelShowPixels function function is called.


The brightness argument sets the the maximum colour intensity for all colour components. The range is 0 to 255.


Set the brightness to the maximum:

status = neopixelSetBrightness(255);	

Set the brightness to half the maximum and have it take effect right away:

status =  neopixelSetBrightness(127);
status |= neopixelShowPixels();

Set the brightness to a quarter of the maximum:

status = neopixelSetBrightness(63);

Set the Colour of a Pixel

This function will queue up a change in the colour intensity of a single pixel:

int neopixelSetPixel (int pixelId, int red, int green, int blue);

The changes to the pixel will not show up on the physical Neopixels until the neopixelShowPixels function function is called.


The pixelId argument defines which pixel in the Neopixel array is to be controlled, with the first pixel in the strip being pixel 0. Note that this pixel id should be less than the total number of pixels.

The red, green, and blue arguments are the colour intensity values for the respective colour. Neopixels are 8-bits per colour component, so the values can range from 0 to 255. Experiment with a colour wheel to find the primary colour intensities for your desired colours.


Set the first pixel to white:

status = neopixelSetPixel(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);	

Set the 18th pixel to purple:

status = neopixelSetPixel(18, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x99);	

Set the 64th pixel to orange:

status = neopixelSetPixel(63, 0xff, 0x8c, 0x1a);	

Set the Colour of many Pixels

This function will queue the change of the colour intensity for many pixels using a buffer of colour components:

int neopixelSetBuffer (int *buf, int size);

The first pixel in the buffer will be displayed on pixel 0 of the physical Neopixels. The changes to the pixels will not show up on the physical Neopixels until the neopixelShowPixels function function is called.


The buf argument is an array that should hold colour component triplets for however many pixels are desired:

buf Element Pixel Colour Component
buf[0] 0 Red
buf[1] 0 Green
buf[2] 0 Blue
buf[3] 1 Red
buf[4] 1 Green
buf[5] 1 Blue
buf[n*3] n Red
buf[n*3+1] n Green
buf[n*3+2] n Blue

The size argument represents the number of elements in the buf array, so it should be the number of pixels multiplied by three colour components.


Set 3 pixels to brown:

int colours[9] = {0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00};
status = neopixelSetBuffer(colours, 9);	

Set 12 pixels to lime:

int length 		= 12*3;
int *buffer 	= new int[length];

for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
	buffer[i]	= 0xcc;
	buffer[i+1]	= 0xff;
	buffer[i+2]	= 0x33;

status = neopixelSetBuffer(buffer, length);

Show All Queued Colour Changes

This function will send a command to the Arduino Dock to display all queued colour changes on the physical Neopixels:

int neopixelShowPixels ();


Show all queued colour changes:

status = neopixelShowPixels();	


Since the C functions are a wrapper around the C++ class, at the end of your program, it’s required to run a function to clean-up any dynamically allocated memory.

void neopixelFree ();


Perform the clean-up:


The Python Module

The Python module neopixel in the OmegaArduinoDock package provides a class, OnionNeopixel to control Neopixels. It’s essentially a wrapper of the C++ library so the functions are very similar.

Installing the Module

The library can be installed by running the following commands:

opkg update
opkg install pyNeopixel python-light

Return Values

All functions follow the same pattern with return values:

If the function operation is successful, the return value will be 0.

If the function operation is not successful, the function will return 1.

Using the Module

To add the Onion Neopixel Module to your Python program, include the following in your code:

from OmegaArduinoDock import neopixel

The Python Class

The Python class, OnionNeopixel is very similar to the C++ class; it provides public class functions to perform all of the actions specified in the Programming Flow section.

The Constructor

The constructor for the OnionNeopixel class will perform the following:

It also has an optional argument that sets the I2C device address of the Arduino Dock. By default this address is 0x08 and if you have made no changes to the Onion Arduino Library, there is no need to include this argument.


To initialize an OnionNeopixel object called npixel:

npixel 	= neopixel.OnionNeopixel(6, 64)

To initialize an onionNeopixel object called npixel where the Arduino Dock’s I2C address is 0x09:

npixel 	= neopixel.OnionNeopixel(6, 64, 0x09)

Set the Maximum Pixel Brightness

This function will set the maximum brightness of a pixel by defining a maximum for the colour components:

setBrightness (int brightness);

The brightness change will not take effect on the physical Neopixels until the showPixels() function function is called.


The brightness argument sets the the maximum colour intensity for all colour components. The range is 0 to 255.


For an npixel object, set the brightness to the maximum:

status = npixel.setBrightness(255);	

For an npixel object, set the brightness to half the maximum and have it take effect right away:

status = npixel.setBrightness(127); 
status = npixel.showPixels();

For an npixel object, set the brightness to a quarter of the maximum:

status = npixel.setBrightness(63);

Set the Colour of a Pixel

This function will queue up a change in the colour intensity of a single pixel:

setPixel (pixelId, red, green, blue)

Note the changes will not take effect on the physical Neopixels until the showPixels() function is called.


The pixelId argument defines which pixel in the Neopixel array is to be controlled, with the first pixel in the strip being pixel 0. Note that this pixel id should be less than the total number of pixels.

The red, green, and blue arguments are the colour intensity values for the respective colour. Neopixels are 8-bits per colour component, so the values can range from 0 to 255. Experiment with a colour wheel to find the primary colour intensities for your desired colours.


For an npixel object, set the first pixel to white:

status = npixel.setPixel(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);	

For an npixel object, set the 18th pixel to purple:

status = npixel.setPixel(18, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x99);	

For an npixel object, set the 64th pixel to orange:

status = npixel.setPixel(63, 0xff, 0x8c, 0x1a);	

Set the Colour of many Pixels

This function will queue the change of the colour intensity for many pixels using a python list of colour components:

setBuffer (pyBuf)

The first pixel in the buffer will be displayed on pixel 0 of the physical Neopixels. Note the changes will not take effect on the physical Neopixels until the showPixels() function is called.


The pyBuf argument is a Python list that should hold colour component triplets for however many pixels are desired:

buf Element Pixel Colour Component
buf[0] 0 Red
buf[1] 0 Green
buf[2] 0 Blue
buf[3] 1 Red
buf[4] 1 Green
buf[5] 1 Blue
buf[n*3] n Red
buf[n*3+1] n Green
buf[n*3+2] n Blue


Set 3 pixels to brown for an npixel object:

buf = [0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00]
status = npixel.setBuffer(buf)	

Show All Queued Colour Changes

This function will send a command to the Arduino Dock to display all queued colour changes on the physical Neopixels:



Show all queued colour changes for an npixel object:

status = npixel.showPixels();	

Example Code

Example code that uses the OnionNeopixel Python class can be found for download here.

This is a Python program that shows a single colour on an entire Neopixel strip or array. It slowly loops between seven different colours, with 25 intermediate steps between the colour changes, creating a smooth transition effect.

slowColourChange Gif